Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Little Red Christmas Ball Thanks You

Thanks to everyone who's already picked up a copy of "The Little Red Christmas Ball"!

It's going much better than I'd expected. A lot of folks seem to have taken to it's fun Christmassy message.

If you've read it, do me a favor and share it with your friends. And especially, put a little review up on Amazon. They seem to like that sort of thing and promote you a little more if they see a healthy response, good or bad. Doesn't have to be anything elaborate...just a sentence or even a word.

"Thought it was a fun read!" "Couldn't put it down!" "My kids loved it" "It made me a little itchy!" "Awesome sauce, man"

Can be anything, really. And you don't even have to use your real name...so I can't track you down to whine....

Thanks, again....

Looking for a fun, new Christmas Tradition to share?

"The Little Red Christmas Ball" will shine bright and hold tight for you and your family...this year and every year to come....

Now available at Amazon

And don't forget

“The Kingdom of Keys”

also available at Amazon

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“Is there anybody alive out there…”